We utilize an intuitive, holistic approach that is rooted in the body's ability to heal itself and improve overall health. Services include: Therapeutic Massage, Injury Prevention and CranioSacral Therapy.
Allison Skeels, Owner
Allison is a licensed massage therapist and CranioSacral Therapy (CST) practitioner with more than 19 years of experience.
"My clients range in age from newborn to 80+. I tailor each session to the client's needs using an integrative technique that can address a multitude of body/mind issues."
Services include:
Therapeutic Massage: Deep hands-on techniques to address chronic tension, headaches, TMJ issues, repetitive motion injuries, surgical recovery and much more.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST): Gentle hands on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system, relieving tension and promoting healing. Used in treatment of musculoskeletal issues, post-surgical rehabilitation, trauma, anxiety, depression and many other issues.
30 min. $45
45 min. $60
60 min. $75
90 min. $105
Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy = $40 CST can be so helpful for children. For newborns struggling with sleeping or nursing or digestive problems CST is a gentle way to move through birth trauma issues. For littles that are anxious, hyper, have sensory processing differences or autism CST can be so nourishing to their nervous system. CST is a very gentle non-invasive way to help these little bodies cope and heal.
Sadie Neely
Sadie is a licensed Massage Therapist who graduated from Adrian School of Massage in 2021. She has experience in Swedish massage, Myofascial therapy, and Prenatal massage. Sadie chose to continue her education through Upledger Institute with focus on CranioSacral therapy.
"It's always brought me so much joy to be able to help others and I've found that in massage therapy. My goal is to provide relaxation, decrease pain, and support body awareness, while listening carefully to each individuals needs."
CranioSacral Therapy (CST): Gentle hands on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system, relieving tension and promoting healing. Used in treatment of musculoskeletal issues, post-surgical rehabilitation, trauma, anxiety, depression and many other issues.
Therapeutic Massage: Hands-on techniques to address chronic pain, tension headaches and migraines, neck stiffness, postural distortion, and more.
45 min. $50
60 min. $65
75 min $80
90 min. $95
Andrea Sweet
Andrea has been a licensed physical therapist since 2014. She has her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Central Michigan University and her Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology with a specialization in health promotion from Michigan State University. She has been trained in CranioSacral Therapy by the Upledger Institute. She has worked with individuals with a wide variety of neurological and orthopedic conditions.
"I have always believed in the power of touch and have found great value in providing hands-on treatment to clients. I also believe in the body's own ability to heal itself but that sometimes it just needs a little help unlocking that potential. I love to be able to help facilitate that process for my clients."
CranioSacral Therapy (CST): Gentle hands on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system, relieving tension and promoting healing. Used in treatment of musculoskeletal issues, post-surgical rehabilitation, trauma, anxiety, depression and many other issues.
45 min. $60
60 min. $75
90 min. $105
Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy = $40 CST can be so helpful for children. For newborns struggling with sleeping or nursing or digestive problems CST is a gentle way to move through birth trauma issues. For littles that are anxious, hyper, have sensory processing differences or autism CST can be so nourishing to their nervous system. CST is a very gentle non-invasive way to help these little bodies cope and heal.
Injury prevention:
Injury prevention program begins with a comprehensive assessment of posture, flexibility, strength, and more. Based on the assessment, an individualized prevention plan will be created and reviewed with each client. If indicated, follow-up sessions may be scheduled for clients to work directly with the therapist to carry out the prevention plan.
Assessment (60 minutes): $125
Follow-up Sessions (30 minutes): $50
Fall Prevention
Begins with a comprehensive assessment of a variety of factors that can impact risk of falling. Based on the assessment, individualized recommendations are provided to help decrease risk of falling. If indicated, follow-up sessions to help improve areas of deficit may be completed. Follow-up sessions may include activities such as balance training, flexibility training, vestibular exercises, or strengthening but sessions will be tailored to each individual and his or her specific needs.
Assessment (60 minutes): $125
Follow-up Sessions (30 minutes): $50

Contact us.
216 E. Chicago Blvd.
Tecumseh, MI 49286